Grackle Jack Productions stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and communities of color during this moment of unrest and uprising. We vow to take action against oppression and racism and acknowledge we have benefited from white privilege and a culture and industry steeped in white supremacy.
Our mission is to create performances where there is an exchange of difficult questions around societal issues. We pledge to shine that light of investigation now onto ourselves and ask:
How we are contributing to the oppression of BIPOC?
What actions are we taking to challenge and change the system?
How are we elevating voices of oppressed peoples?
We hold ourselves accountable and invite others with whom we have worked, patrons, and supporters to call us out on our privilege. We are listening and will own and accept when we harm others. We know that calling us out requires that we must first earn your trust.
Actions we are currently taking include:
pausing work on all future productions to examine our infrastructure
attending anti-racist training locally and when that is not available seeking it out elsewhere
joined Austin’s Anti-Racism in Theatre Action Committee and Artists Against Racism
seeking expansion of our board to include BIPOC to better foster an environment of differing viewpoints
committed to hiring practices that reflect Austin's culture
will always have paid consultants on projects that involve issues around race, gender, or disability and they will have veto power
embedding diversity into our mission and values.
This is a start but only a beginning. We will continue to learn, grow, and change with unrelenting determination in order to help create a theatre community that is inclusive and equitable.
CB Goodman, Founder/Artistic Director (white cis female), Roz Mandola, Board Member (white cis female), Lindsay Doleshal, Board Member (white queer cis female)